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发布时间:2014-02-24来源:12BET 浏览次数:


Yan-Qiu Song, Ph.D., Professor

School of Management Science and Engineering,Central University of Finance and Economics

研究兴趣/ Research Field


EVs charging infrastructure investment and operation management,Innovationecosystemsynergeticevolution,Complexnetworks and itsApplications,Urban infrastructure innovationinvestmentdecision etc.

联系方式/Contact information




School of Management Science & Engineering, Central University of Finance and Economics, NO. 39 South College Road, Haidian District, Beijing, China 100081


Room339, building4,Shahe campus of Central University of Finance and Economics, Shahe High Education Park, Changping District, Beijing, China 102206

教育经历/Education Background


Sep., 2005–Jan., 2010Dalian University of Technology,Liaoning, China

Ph.D. in Management

Major in Technical Economics and Management

Supervisor: Prof.DashuangDai


Sep., 2003–Jul., 2005Dalian University of Technology,Liaoning, China

Masterin Management

Major in Technical Economics and Management

Supervisor: Prof.DashuangDai

1999.09-2003.07 大连理工大学管理学院 信息管理与信息系统专业 学士

Sept, 1999 – July, 2003 Dalian University of Technology,Liaoning, China

Bachelor of Science in Management

Major in Information Management and Information System

工作经历/Work experience

2014.10-2021.03 12BET12BET项目管理系主任

November, 2014–December,2019 Department of Project Management,School of Management Science & Engineering; Director.


November, 2013 – PresentSchool of Management Science & Engineering, Central University of Finance and Economics, Beijing, China;professor.


November, 2013 – PresentSchool of Management Science & Engineering, Central University of Finance and Economics, Beijing, China;Associate professor.

2010.04-2013.10 12BET讲师

Apr., 2010 – Oct, 2013School of Management Science & Engineering, Central University of Finance and Economics, Beijing, China;Assistant Professor,.


2013.07-2014.07Haas School of Business,University Californian of Berkeley;Visiting scholar funded by China Scholarship Council (CSC).

学术兼职/Academic Title


Committee member,CityTransformation and Innovation Research Committeeof China Urban Studies Society


Communicationreviewer,the National Natural Science Foundationof China.

主讲课程/Teaching courece


Undergraduate Courses: Project management, Project appraisal, Project finance, Technology innovation management, Systemengineering,City’sFuture


Graduate Course(For master): Innovation management research, Advanced project management, Operation management

主要奖励与荣誉/Awards and Group Memberships

  1. 2020年12月获北京高等学校优秀专业课(公共课)主讲教师

  2. 2021年,12BET,优秀科研奖

  3. 2022年12BET研究生优秀导师团队,李桂君、宋砚秋、李玉龙、王昊、高婷、杨帆,2022.03,12BET研究生工作部、研究生院

  4. 2022年12BET优秀本科实验教学指导教师,2022.08,12BET教务处

  5. 2022,第二届北京高校教师教学创新大赛,校级二等奖,《项目评估》,2022.10

  6. 2022年鸿基世业优秀教师奖

  7. 2022优秀学术团队奖,可持续城市治理团队,学术带头人:李桂君,团队成员:宋砚秋、刘倩、温锋华、许寅硕、李姗姗

  8. 2022年,2022CSMS中国仿真学会系统复杂仿真建模大赛全国总决赛高校组优秀奖,优秀指导教师:电动汽车扩散模型

    主持或参加科研项目(课题)及人才计划项目情况/Research Funding

    主持项目/principle investigator

  9. 北京市社会科学基金项目:京津冀新能源公共充电设施共建共享机制研究,主持人,2023-2025.

  10. 2020“双百行动计划”青年教师社会调研国内外智慧城市建设新趋势新特点及经验启示,主持人,2020.7-2021.12

  11. 部省共建联合研究课题(财政部人事教育司)新时代财政部事业单位领导班子建设问题研究,主持人,2019.06-2019.10

  12. 国家自然科学基金面上项目:创新生态系统协同演化机制及实证研究,主持人,2019.01-2022.12.Research onInnovation Ecosystem Synergetic Evolution Mechanism Design and Empirical Study,National Natural Science Foundation of China,2019.01-2022.12,Principal Investigator.

  13. 国家自然科学基金青年项目:复杂产品系统动态项目组织的治理研究,主持人,2013,01-2015.12.Research onGovernance Research for Dynamic Project Organization in Complex Product and Systems, National Natural Science Foundation of China(For youth scholars), 2013.01-2015.12, Principal Investigator.


    一、期刊论文/Journal paper

  14. 李桂君,田宗博,宋砚秋.地方政府债务对城市经济高质量发展的影响研究[J].12BET学报, 2023(01):3-14. DOI:10.19681/j.cnki.jcufe.2023.01.006.

  15. Guijun Li, Tanxiaosi Luo, Qian Liu,Yanqiu Song*. To promote experience sharing in urban transitions: An integrated framework of experience mining and triangulation, Journal of Urban Management, Volume 11, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 166-177, ISSN 2226-5856, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jum.2022.05.001.

  16. Li, Guijun, Xiaoteng Ma,Yanqiu Song*. 2022. "Green Building Efficiency and Influencing Factors of Transportation Infrastructure in China: Based on Three-Stage Super-Efficiency SBM–DEA and Tobit Models" Buildings 12, no. 5: 623. https://doi.org/10.3390/buildings12050623

  17. Guijun Li, Tanxiaosi Luo,Yanqiu Song*, Climate change mitigation efficiency of electric vehicle charging infrastructure in China: From the perspective of energy transition and circular economy, Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 2022, 179, April, 106048,, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.resconrec.2021.106048.

  18. 宋砚秋,胡军,齐永欣.创新价值转化时滞效应模型构建及实证研究[J].科研管理. 2022, 43(3): 192-200. DOI:10.19571/j.cnki.1000-2995.2022.03.022

  19. Guijun Li, Tanxiaosi Luo,Yanqiu Song*, Spatial equity analysis of urban public services for electric vehicle charging—Implications of Chinese cities, Sustainable Cities and Society, Volume 76, January, 2022, 103519, ISSN 2210-6707, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scs.2021.103519.

  20. 宋砚秋,齐永欣,高婷,王瑶琪.政府创新补贴、企业创新活力与创新绩效[J].经济学家, 2021, (06): 111-120.

  21. Yanqiu Song, Lingzhi Shangguan, Guijun Li. Simulation analysis of flexible concession period contracts in electric vehicle charging infrastructure public-private-partnership (EVCI-PPP) projects based on Time-of-use (TOU) charging price strategy[J], Energy, 2021, Volume 228, 1st August, 120328. DOI:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.energy.2021.120328.

  22. 宋砚秋,张玉洁,王瑶琪,高婷.基于多层网络的中国企业风险投资(CVC)影响力动态评价研究[J],系统科学与数学, 2020,40(6): 1-15.

  23. Song, Yanqiu, Guijun Li, Qian Wang, Xianhai Meng, and Hao Wang. 2020. Scenario Analysis on Subsidy Policies for the Uptake of Electric Vehicles Industry in China. Resources Conservation and Recycling, December, 161: 104927.

  24. 宋砚秋,李慧嘉,王倩,李桂君.基于Kolmogorov熵的系统协同效应度量方法及实证[J].运筹与管理, 2020, 29(05):189-197.

  25. 宋砚秋,王倩,李慧嘉,李桂君.基于系统动力学的企业创新投资决策研究[J].系统工程理论与实践, 2018, 38(12): 3097-3108.

    二、会议论文/Conference paper

    1. Song Yanqiu. Government subsidy model for electric vehicle charging infrastructure based on time-of-use electricity price. 2019 CUFE-VU CONFERENCE CENTRE FOR RESEARCH ON BUSINESS AND ECONOMICS, 2019.07.08-07.10.

    2. Song Yanqiu. The Effect of Venture Capital Syndication on the Performance of Chinese IPOs. 2019 EURAM(2019 EURAM), 2019.06.24-06.27.

    3. Song Yanqiu. Research On Synergy Degree Between Tech-innovation And Sci-tech Capital. 2017 INFORMS ANNUAL MEETING(INFORMS2017), Houston, Texas, USA, 2017.10.22-10.25.

    4. Song Yanqiu, A System Dynamic Model for Examining the Significance of Knowledge Sharing to the Dynamic Capability for Project-Based Organization. European Academy of Management 2017(EURAM2017), Glasgow, Scotland, UK, 2017.06.19 -06.24

    5. SongYan-qiu, The Relationship Between Deep Level Diversity and Team Benefits: A Mixed Method from China, 2016 INFORMS ANNUAL MEETING,Nashville, America, 2016.11.13-11.16

    6. Song Yan-qiu,LiGui-jun,RanAi-jing, Gao Ting.Impact of Public Policies on Innovative Enterprises in China:Key Elements for Enterprise Development as Mediators, 2016 11th International Forum on Knowledge Asset Dynamics(IFKAD2016), Dresden, Germany,2016.6.15 -6.17

    7. Gao Ting,Song Yan-qiu, Wang Yao-qi, Li Gui-jun. Financing Preferences of High Technology Startups in China: An Explorative Study,3rd Global Economy and Governance,Taiwan,China,2015.09.04-09.06

    8. Song Yan-qiu,Yang Lan, Li Gui-jun, Gao Ting.Knowledge Sharing and dynamic capability: A system dynamic model for innovation projects organization,10th International Forum on Knowledge Asset Dynamics,Bari, Italy, 2015.06.10-06.12


    1. 宋砚秋,王瑶琪.科技金融立体图景:北京市年度观察(2018).经济科学出版社,2019.07.(Song Yan-Qiu, Wang Yan-Qi. Science and Technology Finance Analysis: The Annual Report on Beijing(2018), Beijing: Economic Science Press.2019.07.)(In Chinese)

    2. 宋砚秋,复杂产品系统项目治理,经济科学出版社,2013.08. (Song Yan-Qiu.Project Governance for Complex Product and System,Beijing: Economic Science Press. 2013.8 (Based on my doctoral dissertation)(In Chinese)


    1. 李桂君,宋砚秋,王瑶琪.投资项目评估(第三版).中国金融出版社,北京,2021.06.Li Guijun, Song Yanqiu, Wang Yaoqi. Investment Project Appraisal (3rdEdition). China Financial Publishing House, Beijing.ISBN:987-7-5220-1213-1. (In Chinese)

    2. 戴大双,朱方伟,宋砚秋.现代项目管理(第三版).高等教育出版社,北京. 2021.07.DaiDashuang, Zhu Fangwei, Song Yanqiu. Project Management (3rdEdition), Higher Education Press, Beijing,ISBN:978-7-04-055746-6. (In Chinese)

    3. 宋砚秋.项目管理案例分析.中国建筑工业出版社.北京.2018.2.Song Yan-Qiu.Case Study of Project Management.China Architecture & Building Press. Beijing. 2013.8(ISBN:978-7-112-21423-5.)(In Chinese)


    1.HX银行信息科技项目管理模式的选择》获12BET2012年度案例征文二等奖,排序第一,获奖时间2012.12Selection of management mode ofHXbank information science and technology project, The second class award of MBA case paper contest (The first author), Central university of finance and economics.2012.12.

    2.《复杂产品系统项目的治理结构-基于利益相关者理论的研究》获中国技术经济学会2014年度优秀论文奖,排序第一,2015.11The governance structure of complex product system project - Research Based on Stakeholder Theory, Annual excellent paper award (The first author), Chinese Society of Technology Economics.2015.11.

