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发布时间:2024-07-15来源:12BET 浏览次数:

王昊 教授 博士生导师 “龙马学者”青年学者








2016/11- 2021/11,12BET,12BET,副教授

2013/08- 2016/10,12BET,12BET,讲师

2014/07- 2016/07,香港理工大学,建筑与房地产学系,博士后(兼职)

2012/09- 2013/07,香港理工大学,建筑与房地产学系,高级研究助理(兼职)

2012/01- 2012/06,美国北卡大学教堂山分校,城市与区域规划系,访问学者


1. 中国工程院院刊Frontiers of Engineering Management特约通讯专家、国际知名期刊Land Use Policy、Buildings客座主编(Guest Editor)

2. 中国软科学研究会理事、中国管理科学与工程学会理事、中国城市经济学会城市可持续建设与管理专业委员会副秘书长、中国城市科学研究会城市更新专业委员会委员、中国建筑学会工程管理研究分会青年委员、中华建设管理研究会青年委员、阿里活水计划学者等

3. Cities, Habitat International, Journal of Environmental Management, Applied Geography, International Journal of Geographical Information Science等国际权威学术期刊匿名评审人



1.Wang, H., Liu, N., Chen, J., Guo, S. (2021). The Relationship Between Urban Renewal and the Built Environment: A Systematic Review and Bibliometric Analysis. Journal of Planning Literature. doi:10.1177/08854122211058909. (SSCI)

2.Wang, H.*, Zhao, Y.Z., Gao, X.C., & Gao, B.Y. (2021). Collaborative decision-making for urban regeneration: A literature review and bibliometric analysis. Land Use Policy, 107, 105479. (SSCI,JCR一区)

3.Zhang, J., Yang, X.*,Wang, H.(2021). Age-friendly regeneration of urban settlements in China: Game and incentives of stakeholders in decision-making. Land Use Policy, 111, 105745. (SSCI,JCR一区)

4.Wang, Z.F., Xu, X.M.,Wang, H.*, & Meng, S. (2020). Does land reserve system improve quality of urbanization? Evidence from China. Habitat International, 106, 102291. (SSCI,JCR一区)

5.Wang, A.Q.,Wang, H.*, & Chan, Edwin. (2020). The incompatibility in urban green space provision: An agent-based comparative study. Journal of Cleaner Production, 253, 120007. (SCI,JCR一区)

6.Guo, S., Wang, Y., Shen, Q.P., Zhang, B., &Wang, H.* (2020). Virtual built-up land transfers embodied in China’s interregional trade. Land Use Policy, 94, 104536.(SSCI,JCR一区)

7.Wang, Z.F., Cao, C.Y., Chen, J.H., &Wang, H.* (2020). Does land finance contraction accelerate urban shrinkage? A study based on 84 key cities in China. Journal of Urban Planning and Development, 146(4), 04020038. (SSCI、SCI)

8.Wu, Y., Chen, J.H., Bian, Z.A.,Wang, H., & Wang, Z.F. (2020). Housing, Housing Stratification, and Chinese Urban Residents' Social Satisfaction: Evidence from a National Household Survey. Social Indicators Research, 2020, 1-21.

9.Song, Y.Q., Li, G.J., Wang, Q., Meng, X.H., &Wang, H.(2020). Scenario analysis on subsidy policies for the uptake of electric vehicles industry in China. Resources Conservation and Recycling, 161, 104927. (SCI,JCR一区)

10.Guo, J., Sun, B.X., Qin, Z., Wong, M.S., Wong, S.W., Yeung, C.W.,Wang, H., ABBA, S., & Shen, Q.P. (2020). Analysing the effects for different scenarios on surrounding environment in a high-density city. Cities, 99, 102585.(SSCI,JCR一区)

11.Wu, Z.Z., Liu, L., Li, S.H., &Wang, H.(2020). Investigating the crucial aspects of developing a healthy dormitory based on Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs—A case study of Shenzhen. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(5), 1565. (SSCI、SCI)

12.Wang, H.*, Wang, Z., Chen, J., Chen, J., Guan, N., & Li, G. (2019). Development of rule of law index for state land and resources in China. Land Use Policy, 81, 276-290.

13.Wang, H.*, Zhang, K., Chen, J., Wang, Z., Li, G., & Yang, Y. (2018). System dynamics model of taxi management in metropolises: economic and environmental implications for beijing. Journal of Environmental Management, 213, 555-565.

14.Wang,H.,Zhang, X.L., Wang, H.Z. and Skitmore, M. (2017). The right-of-use transfermechanism of collective construction land in new urban districts in China: Thecase of Zhoushan City, Habitat International, 61, 55-63. (SSCI,JCR一区)

15.Wang,H.,Zhang, X.L. and Skitmore, M. (2015). Implications for sustainable land use inhigh-density cities: Evidence from Hong Kong, Habitat International, 50, 23-34.(SSCI,JCR一区)

16.Wang,H.*,Shen, Q.P. and Tang, B.S. (2015). GIS-based framework for supporting land useplanning in urban renewal: Case study in Hong Kong, Journal of Urban Planningand Development - ASCE, 141(3), 05014015. (SSCI、SCI,JCR一区)

17.Wang,H.*,Shen, Q.P., Tang, B.S., Lu, C., Peng, Y. and Tang, L.Y.N. (2014). A frameworkof decision-making factors and supporting information for facilitating sustainable site planning in urban renewal projects, Cities, 40, 44-55. (SSCI,JCR一区)

18.Wang,H.,Shen, Q.P., Tang, B.S. and Skitmore, M. (2013). An integrated approach tosupporting land-use decisions in site redevelopment for urban renewal in HongKong,Habitat International, 38, 70-80.(SSCI,JCR一区)

19.Wang, H.*, Wei, S.Y., Tang, B.S., Chen, J.H. & Li, W.B. (2018). A comparative study on registration system of real estate between Hong Kong and Mainland China. Property Management, 36(1): 5-19. (ESCI)

20.Zheng, W., Shen, Q.P.,Wang, H., Hong, J.K. and Li, Z.D. (2017). Decision support for sustainable urban renewal: A multi-scale model, Land Use Policy, 69, 361-371. (SSCI,JCR一区)

21.Zheng,W., Shen, Q.P.,Wang, H.and Hong, J.K. (2015). Simulating land usechange in urban renewal areas: A case study in Hong Kong, Habitat International, 46, 23-34. (SSCI,JCR一区,ESI高被引论文)

22.Zheng,W., Shen, Q.P. andWang, H.(2014). A review of recent studies onsustainable urban renewal, Habitat International, 41, 272-279. (SSCI,JCR一区)

23.Lu, C.,Wu, Y.Z., Shen, Q.P. andWang, H.(2013). Driving force of urban growthand regional planning: A case study of Guangdong Province in China,Habitat International, 40, 35-41.(SSCI,JCR一区)

24.Chen, J., Guo, F.,Wang, H., Wang, Z., & Wu, Y. (2018). Urban Land Revenue and Sustainable Urbanization in China: Issues and Challenges. Sustainability, 10(7), 2111.

25.Chen, J.H., Wu, Y., Guo, F. andWang, H.(2017). Domestic property and housing class in contemporary urban China, Journal of Housing and the Built Environment, 3, 1-19. (SSCI)

26.Tang,L.Y.N., Shen, Q.P., Skitmore, M. andWang, H.(2015).Procurement-related critical factors for briefing in Public Private Partnership projects: Case of Hong Kong, Journal of Management in Engineering - ASCE,31(6). (SCI,JCR一区)

27.Yuan,Z., Shen, Q.P., Chung, K.H., Ramly, Z.M., Yu, T.W. andWang, H.(2016).Experimental Study on Virtual Value Management Workshop in Hong Kong, Journal of Management in Engineering - ASCE, 32(2). (SCI,JCR一区)

28.Li,H.J.,Wang, H.* and Chen, L.N. (2014),Measuring robustness of community structure in complex networks,EPL,108(6),68009(p1-p6).(SCI,JCR一区)

29.Li, K.,Li, H.J. andWang, H.(2015). Situation analysis of relationship insocial networks based on Link Entropy, Modern Physics Letters B, 29(13),1550061(1-27). (SCI)

30.Peng,Y., Shen, L.Y., Tan, C., Tan, D.L. andWang, H.(2012). Criticaldeterminant factors (CDFs) for developing concentrated rural settlement in postdisaster reconstruction: A China study,Natural Hazards, 66, 355-373. (SCI)

31.Shen,Q.P.,Wang, H.* and Tang, B.S. (2014). A decision making framework forsustainable land use in Hong Kong’s urban renewal projects, Smart and Sustainable Built Environment, 3(1), 35-53. (ESCI)

32.Zheng,W., Shen, Q.P.,Wang, H.and Lombardi, P. (2015). Critical Issues inSpatial Distribution of Public Housing Estates and their Implications on Urban Renewal in Hong Kong, Smart and Sustainable Built Environment, 4(2), 172-187.(ESCI)


34.Li, J.,Ma, H.W. andWang, H.(2011). Development of green and intelligentbuildings, sustainable urban planning,Advanced Materials Research, 374-377, 113-117. (EI)

35. 王昊,马睿,肖攀,刘燕萍,张富刚,高然. (2021). 基于S-CAD方法的不动产统一登记制度评估研究. 城市发展研究,28(10), 12-16+22. (CSSCI)

36. 王昊,龙子洋,李晓辉,吴景山. (2019). 雄安新区绿色建筑立法策略研究 ——基于国外经验梳理. 工程管理学报,33(6), 18-23.

37. 王昊,蔡雅琴,张渤钰. (2019). 存量时代城市更新复杂利益相关者管理策略研究 ——以张家口洋河新区为例. 中国软科学,增刊(上),134-141. (CSSCI)

38.王昊,冯长春,胡雨村,杜金峰,宋祥来. (2008).限价商品住房管理模式思考.城市发展研究,15(6), 12-16, 23.(CSSCI)

39.王昊,胡雨村,张晓东. (2008).基于GIS的校园主要功能区评价:以中国农业大学为例.地理与地理信息科学,增刊.(CSSCI)

40.胡雨村,李洪波,郭小平,王昊,侯晓明,沈志强.(2009).北京公路生态绿化模式及其经济效益评价.公路交通科技,6, 26-29, 37.(CSSCI)

41.张彦,张晓东,沈钢,王昊.(2006).基于GIS的中国农业大学校园功能区评价.中国农学通报,22(11), 456-460.(CSSCI)


1.Wang,H.* and Shen, Q.P. Land Use Practice in A Hyper Density City: A Lesson From Hong Kong, 2015 International Conference on Construction and Real Estate Management(ICCREM2015),August2015,Lulea, Sweden(EI)

2.Wang,H.*,Shen, Q.P., Tang, B.S. and Zheng, W.,A GIS-based framework for sustainable land-use decision-making in urban renewal: a case study in Hong Kong,Proceedings of the2014 International Conference on Construction and Real Estate Management(ICCREM2014),pp.1627-1642, September 2014,Kunming,China(EI)


4.Wang,H.*,Wei S.Y. and Li W.B. A comparative study on registration system of real estatebetween Hong Kong and Mainland China, Proceedings of the 21st Asian Real EstateSociety Conference, July 2016, Bangalore, India

5.Wang,H.*,Shen, Q.P. and Tang, B.S., A review of planning support systems for urban landuse planning. The CRIOCM2012 International Symposium on “Advancement ofConstruction Management and Real Estate”. 17th – 18th Nov. 2012, Shenzhen,China (EI)

6.Wang,H.*,Shen, Q.P., Li, W.B. and Huang, Z.Y. (2013). A quantitative approach to siteselection in urban renewal areas: Hong Kong as a case study. 2013 InternationalConference on Public Policy (1st ICPP). Beijing, China.

7.Peng,Y., Shen, Q.P., Lu, C. andWang, H.(2013). The logic behind successful implementation of residential land exchange in disaster-affected rural areas inChina. AAG Annual Meeting 2013. Los Angeles, California.

8.Wang,H.* and Shen, Q.P. (2010). A review of research works in sustainable urban landuse. Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Construction and RealEstate Management (ICCREM2010). Brisbane, Australia.(ISTP)

9.Wang,H.*,Shen, Q.P. and Jin, Z.G. (2010). An analysis on the winning factors ofcontractors in bidding competition: a case study in Hong Kong. Proceedings ofthe 2nd International Postgraduate Conference on Infrastructure and Environment(IPCIE2010). Hong Kong, China.

10.Wang,H.*and Shen, Q.P. (2009). Coordination between village-town planning and land useplanning in China: a case study in Beijing. Proceedings of the 7th InternationalConference on Construction and Real Estate Management (ICCREM2009). Beijing,China.(ISTP)

11.Wang,H.*,Hu, Y.C. and Yao, D.Y. (2009). System study on expressway traffic management. The3rd International Conference on System Sciences, Management Sciences &System Dynamics, Shanghai, China.(ISTP)

12.Wang,H.*,Hu, Y.C. and Shen, Q.P. (2008). System dynamics method for sustainable landintensive utilization and development in Beijing. The CRIOCM2008 InternationalSymposium, Beijing, China.(ISTP)

13.Wang,H.*,Hu, Y.C. and Shen, Q.P. (2008). A management model for price-restricted housingin Beijing. The AsRES2008 Annual Meeting and International Conference,Shanghai, China.




2. 佟绍纬、张富刚、王志锋、陈俊华、王昊,《基于经济与金融视角的土地抵押融资研究》,中国大地出版社,2017.01


1. 国家自然科学基金NSFC-RGC重点项目“粤港澳大湾区建筑业多主体跨区域合作机制与政策优化”,子课题负责人,(2024.01-2027.12)

2. 国家自然科学基金面上项目“城市住区更新决策中多元主体参与行为的交互机理、动态仿真与引导策略”,主持人,(2021.01-2024.12)

3. 国家自然科学基金项目“城市有机更新中土地再开发复杂决策的支持方法研究”,主持人,(2015.01-2017.12)
















19.香港研究资助局项目“An integrated framework for sustainable urban land-useplanning and management”,主要研究人,(2009.08-2012.08)

20.香港研究资助局项目“A collaborative framework for supportingsustainable land use planning in urban renewal projects”,主要研究人,(2011.07-2013.07)

21.香港理工大学资助项目“Developingan integrated collaborative platform for sustainable urban renewal: a pilot study”,研究参与人,(2012.07-2013.07)

22.香港研究资助局项目“Usingcomputer-based value management workshops to facilitate the communications among stakeholders in construction projects”,研究参与人,(2011.03-2012.07)




1.2020 年,12BET“龙马学者支持计划”青年学者

2. 2019年, 12BET鸿基世业优秀教师奖

3. 2022 12BET优秀研究生指导教师团队成员

4. 2022 12BET研究生课程思政优秀教学案例

5. 2019 全国高校房地产创新创业邀请赛总决赛最佳创意奖指导教师

6. 2018年6月,12BET,骋望一流学术成果奖

7. 2017年12月,北京市高校第十届青年教师教学基本功比赛,教学论文二等奖


9. 2017年10月,12BET,高等公司产品成果二等奖

10. 2017年6月,12BET,2017年度涌金教师学术奖

11. 2016年5月,Emerald出版商,2016年度杰出论文奖(Highly Commended Award)

12. 2016年5月,12BET,2016年度滋兰树蕙优秀教师奖


14. 2014年12月,12BET,2013-2014学年管工学院优秀科研奖

15. 2013年11月,香港理工大学CIB分会,最佳博士论文卓越奖

16. 2012年11月,中华建设管理研究会,CRIOCM2012最佳论文一等奖

