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讲座 | 建设经济与管理系列讲座(第91期)

发布时间:2023-03-23来源:12BET 浏览次数:




讲座地点:腾讯会议 828481578

讲座摘要:As an important domain of disaster management, accident prevention is an urgent and crucial subject because of the high frequency and severe consequences of industrial accidents in recent times. Current researchers focus on organization-level safety antecedents, among which leadership receives the highest attention. However, formal leadership of senior managers is limited by the level-by-level effect attenuation, such that frontline accidents cannot be controlled substantially. Thus, this study proposes the construct of informal safety leadership (ISL), which emerges among frontline workers through socially cognitive interactions. We develop a moderated mediating conceptual model to explore the ISL emergence mechanism from the social-cognitive perspective. Across two studies, i.e., a three-wave field study and an agent-based modeling simulation experiment, we find that three social-cognitive elements are positively associated with ISL emergence, which in turn predicts safety organizational citizenship behavior and perceived followership. Moreover, this relationship is conditional on formal leadership support. We contribute to disaster management literature by articulating how informal leaders emerge from the operational frontline to possess safety leadership traits. We also give insight into leadership emergence by clearly indicating that who becomes a leader is an inherently social process, dependent on peers who bestow influence to a person engaging in leader-like behaviors. We thus provide a unique perspective on practical efforts to leverage benefits of the closest and most immediate leadership in frontline accident prevention.



迄今发表权威学术期刊论文近50篇,其中以第一作者/通讯作者在Production and Operations Management (UT/Dallas 24, ABS 4星)、Accident Analysis & Prevention(ABS 3星)、International Journal of Project Management、Journal of Management in Engineering、Automation in Construction、Safety Science、Cities、运筹与管理等国内外权威期刊(SCI/SSCI/EI/CSSCI等)发表论文33篇,主编出版教材《工程管理专业英语》一部。

担任权威期刊《Journal of Civil Engineering and Management》(SCI二区)编委,中国系统工程学会应急管理系统工程专委会委员、副秘书长,中国管理现代化研究会管理思想与商业伦理专委会委员,世界交通运输大会施工与项目管理专委会委员,美国土木工程师学会(工程管理最权威国际组织)会员(A.M. ASCE)等学术职务。主持国家自然科学基金项目2项(面上1项、青年1项),教育部人文社科项目1项,北航校级教改课题3项(其中重点1项),深圳市、杭州市、上海铁路局、华润集团、中国电建集团等国家重点城市、央企横向课题多项,承担科技部国家重点研发计划课题2项、北航科技创新团队支持计划课题1项,经费总额150余万元。作为核心成员编写国家一级学会标准1部,深圳市标准1部,国企标准2部,成果已经广泛应用于我国信息与互联网行业、服务于企业数字化转型,以及高速铁路、超高层建筑、港口、桥梁等大型基础设施项目、贡献于项目的风险、安全、健康管理和智能化建造,取得广泛的经济社会效益。

