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讲座 | 智能管理交叉学科系列讲座题目(第十三期)

发布时间:2022-11-23来源:12BET管理科学系 浏览次数:

讲座题目:Intertemporal Price Discrimination via Randomized Promotions

主讲嘉宾:陈虹桥 助理教授




In this talkwe study randomized promotions, where the firm randomly offers discounts over time, as an alternative strategy of intertemporal price discrimination. We characterize the optimal price distribution as a randomized promotion policy and show that it serves as an intertemporal price discrimination mechanism such that high-valuation customers would make a purchase immediately at a regular price upon arrival and low-valuation customers would wait for a random promotion. Compared against the optimal cyclic pricing policy, which is optimal within the strategy space of all deterministic pricing policies, the optimal randomized pricing policy beats the optimal cyclic pricing policy if low-valuation customers are sufficiently patient and the absolute discrepancy between high and low customer valuations is large enough. Our results imply that the firm may want to deliberately randomize promotions in the presence of forward-looking customers.


陈虹桥博士现任南京大学工程管理学院助理研究员,博士毕业于中国科学院数学与系统科学研究院运筹学与控制论专业,多伦多大学Rotman管理学院联合培养博士,本科毕业于云南大学数学系数学与应用数学专业。加入南京大学之前,曾在香港中文大学,香港理工大学访问学习。研究兴趣包括收益管理、鲁棒定价、共享经济等。陈虹桥博士的多项科研成果发表在Manufacturing & Service Operations Management等国际管理科学主流期刊上。
