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讲座 | 智能管理交叉学科系列讲座(第二讲)

发布时间:2021-10-11来源:12BET 浏览次数:


主 讲 人:Shi Chen

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Shi Chen is Marion B. Ingersoll Professor and Associate Professor of Operations Management at the Foster School of Business, University of Washington in Seattle. He received B.E. in Industrial Engineering and M.S. in Management Science and Engineering from Tsinghua University and received his Ph.D. in Management Science and Engineering from Stanford University. Dr. Chen’s research interests include supply chain management, inventory management, responsible and sustainable supply chains, as well as operations strategies in high-tech and cloud computing value chains. His publications have appeared in top academic journals including Operations Research, Management Science, Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, Information Systems Research, and Production & Operations Management. Dr. Chen is a member of the INFORMS, MSOM, and POM societies and is a senior editor at Production & Operations Management.

Cloud Computing Value Chains: Research from the Operations Management Perspective


Cloud computing has been recognized as a critical driver of Information-Technology enabled innovations. The OM community, however, has not been exposed enough to the essential operations problems that arise from management of cloud value chains. We examine recent research on cloud value chains and explore future research opportunities from an Operations Management (OM) perspective. In particular, we focus on major operations challenges facing a cloud provider in three problem domains: (1) pricing in the cloud computing marketplaces, (2) deployment and scheduling of cloud computing resources, and (3) capacity planning and management of cloud supply chains. On the demand side, cloud computing operations are driven by demand that exhibits the following distinct characteristics: complex workflow, demand redundancy, multi-dimensional characteristics, multi-attribute resource requirement, and non-stationarity. On the supply side, cloud computing operations also exhibit distinct characteristics, such as flexible resources, bundled supply, and technology and cost uncertainties. It is worth noting that these characteristics of demand and supply are not all prevalent in other operations. We believe that OM tools and research have the potential to provide vital insights into cloud computing operations and impact management practices in the cloud industry, which in turn can stimulate much innovative research from the OM perspective.

时   间:2021年10月13日上午09:00-10:00

地   点:腾讯会议755-390-693

主 持 人:陈俊霖 副教授
