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讲座 | 大数据与管理科学系列讲座(第2期)

发布时间:2020-11-30来源:12BET 浏览次数:

讲座题目:Urban Spatial Scaling: From activepopulation to folding cities


李睿琪,北京化工大学信息科学与技术学院副教授,城市网络实验室主任,北京师范大学系统科学博士,博士期间在麻省理工学院与波士顿大学进行联合培养。主要研究方向为城市大数据分析与建模、复杂网络研究与流行病传播动力学。目前发表SCI论文近二十篇,引用270余次,相应工作发表在《自然》子刊Nature Communications、Scientific Reports、IEEE Access、Journal of Cleaner Productions、Computer, Environment and Urban Systems、Sensors、PLoS One、Physica A等SCI与SSCI期刊。目前是复杂性科学研究会会员,Scientific Reports、Habitat International、Cities、IEEE Access、The WebConf (former WWW)、IEEE VIS、Conference on Systems Science (CCS)、PLoS One、Physica A、IJMPC、TRB/TRR、Journal of Systems Science andComplexity等多个SCI、SSCI期刊与重要学术会议的审稿人或程序委员会成员。


With data from various sources, we are able to bettersense the activities of residents and the pulse of the whole city. Based oncell phone data and proper algorithms, we can get accurate trajectories ofindividuals, reveal the connection between house price and air pollutionexposure of residents, and get active population (AP) distribution as well asthe OD matrix of the city. By considering the travel demand together withfeatures of the road network, we propose an indicator named population-weightedefficiency (PWE) which can give a more comprehensive and systematic evaluationof the efficiency of the transportation network, and detect 3 typical types ofinefficient routes. In China, surrounding working units, residential area,universities, governments with walls (i.e., compounds or “big yard”) are quitecommon and unique, which is designed to an independent ecosystem, but nowadayscan cause inefficiency of the city, and inconvenience to residents, and mayhave some other profound effects. And from a dynamical and interactiveperspective, based on the concept of AP, we come up with a simple model (1 freeparameter and 4 simple assumptions) to reproduce the spatial distributionwithin cities and explain the origins of spatial scaling within cities andscaling laws across cities at the same time. With the development ofbuilding and transportation technologies, the city sprawl itself in both 2D(fast routes) and 3D (skyscrapers) space, which is the old story we have beenhearing for decades. From a brand new perspective, such processes are actuallyfolding more space to the urban central area to further promotes humaninteractions. From such a folding cities perspective, we can better reveal thetrue structure of urban systems and change how we perceive our livingenvironment.


时 间:2020年12月2日(周三)晚上19:00

地 点:腾讯会议(会议号:653800 138会议密码:123321)
