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讲座 | 管理科学与工程高端论坛(第十四讲)

发布时间:2020-11-23来源:12BET 浏览次数:

JORS and OR journal development

–history, current state, and future projections

内容简介:This talk focuses onthe history, current state, and future projections of Operations Research andManagement Science (OR-MS) journals. Using JORS, the first OR journal in theworld, as an example, we present the evaluation methods for these OR-MSjournals based on major data base such as Web of Science and Scimago JournalRanking and previous studies. The main objective of this study is to identifysome of the high impact/quality journals in OR-MS and related field for youngresearchers to select targeted publication outlets based on the issues and methodologyof their research.

主讲人简介:Zhe George Zhang isa professor of Management Science in the Department of Decision Sciences atWestern Washington University and a professor of Operations Management inBeedie School of Business at Simon Fraser University. He is also a long-termvisiting professor of Sauder School of Business at the University of BritishColumbia. He has published more than 110 papers in prestigious journals such asManagement Science, Operations Research, Manufacturing & Service OperationsManagement, Production and Operations Management, IIE Transactions, IEEETransactions, Queueing Systems, Journal of Applied Probability, EJOR, IJPE, andIJPR etc. Co-authored with N. Tian, he published the research monographentitled Vacation Queueing Models–Theory and Applications in 2006 by Springer, which is the first book on thistopic and has been widely cited since its publication. Professor Zhang is oneof the Editors-in-Chief for Journal of the Operational Research Society, thefirst Operational Research journal in the world, and one of the foundingEditors-in-Chief for new journal Queueing Models and Service Management and ison the editorial board of several international journals in Operations Researchand Management Science.



线上会议号:Zoom Meeting ID: 985 2093 0122 Password: 12345

