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讲座 | 管理科学与工程系列高端讲坛(第二十三期)

发布时间:2023-11-09来源:12BET 浏览次数:

讲座题目:Voluntary Technology Sharing to Rivals





Technology sharing to rivals and new-product introductions enabled by those technologies have often been observed across different industries. We develop a game-theoretic model to examine why a firm would voluntarily share its technology and help its rival develop a new product. We find that the cannibalization consideration in the rival's multiproduct pricing imposes externality to the focal firm, which largely gives rise to its incentive to share technology, in addition to the potential benefit from the change in demand elasticity. Surprisingly, the rival does not always embrace the shared technology. In equilibrium, the new product would be introduced only when the existing product valuation is low but the technology transfer rate is not too low, when the existing product valuation is fairly high but the technology transfer rate is not too high, or when the existing product valuation is high but the technology transfer rate is neither too high nor too low. We show that social welfare increases with the new product introduction to a large extent except when the existing product's valuation is high but the technology transfer rate is low. The new product introduction increases consumer surplus only when the existing product valuation is low. Compared to technology sharing to an independent third party, the focal firm is more likely to share its technology to the rival.


陈建清教授,美国德克萨斯大学达拉斯分校Naveen Jindal管理学院Ashbel Smith教授。主要从事平台商业模式、在线广告及定价、网络拍卖机制设计、在线社区和用户创造内容、信息系统经济学等领域的研究。在Information Systems Research, MIS Quarterly, Management Science, Journal of Marketing Research, Journal of Marketing, Production and Operations Management, and Journal of Management Information Systems等国际顶级期刊发表近三十篇论文。目前担任Information Systems Research副主编, Production and Operations Management高级编辑。2019年获得Dean’s Award for Outstanding New Scholar, 2016年获得ISS Sandra A. Slaughter Early Career Award of INFORMs,2007、2012、2015年获得中国信息管理夏季研讨会最佳论文奖(China Summer Workshop on Information Management,CSWIM),2010年获得第十五届信息系统与技术研讨会最佳论文奖(Conference on Information Systems and Technology, CIST)。另外,陈教授荣获Information Systems Research 2019年的最佳副主编, 荣获International Conference on Information Systems 2021和2022年的最佳副主编。他共同主席组织了CSWIM 2016, 2013年的E-Business Cluster of INFORMs,2014年的Information Systems Cluster of INFORMs等。他曾任2020年INFORMS E-Business Section的主席。
