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讲座 | 建设经济与管理系列讲座(第110期)

发布时间:2023-11-07来源:12BET 浏览次数:

讲座题目:Globally Anchored and Locally Adjustable: Shipments with Consecutive Flexibility




讲座摘要:Based on a supply chain involving a manufacturer–retailer relationship, we consider a new class of multi-shipment problem in the context of quick response (QR). Facing long production lead times and mass product varieties, the retailer places an order ahead of the season and the manufacturer delivers the order in multiple shipments. However, different from the classical multi-shipment model, we consider a common industry practice where the retailer dynamically adjusts consecutive shipments’ delivery quantities and/or times.

In this paper, this Business-to-Business QR practice is termed as Consecutive Shipments Flexibility (CSF). We model two types of CSF--one with variable shipping quantities and one with variable shipping times, and formulate the multi-shipment problem with CSF as a dynamic program. In both centralized and decentralized systems, we study the optimal shipping decisions and devise incentive contracts that can achieve channel coordination. Interestingly, the coordinating conditions of the system with CSF cover all the coordinating conditions of the classical multi-shipment system. Furthermore, we find that CSF reduces the first few shipments’ quantities while increasing the total order quantity. A key enabler to achieve this result is that the cost-to-go function is proved to be separable and convex in shipping quantities. Our results underscore the importance of CSF and provide a handy tool for optimally computing the shipping quantities and/or times in the multi-shipment problems with CSF.



邓天虎,清华大学副教授,博士生导师,博士毕业于美国加州大学伯克利分校。目前研究方向侧重智慧供应链。以第一作者和通讯作者在Operations Research、Manufacturing & Service Operations Management等国际高水平学术期刊和学术会议发表论文30余篇。主持国家自然科学基金优秀青年基金、科技部国家重点研发计划子课题等等项目多项,负责执行的中石油天然气管网优化项目入围INFORMS设立的管理科学应用界最高奖项弗兰茨·厄德曼奖(Franz Edelman Award)2018年决赛。
