Honored Guests:
中欧城市与区域发展国际研讨会将于2022年1月13日(周四)18:00(北京时间)/ 12:00 (希腊时间)线上线下举行。请您扫描下方二维码打开会议手册。
International Seminar “Urban and Regional Development in China and Europe”will be held at18:00(Beijing Time)/ 12:00(Greek Time)on 13th January, 2022. Please scan the following QR code to get theSeminar Guide.

Sino-Greek Research Center for Sustainable Urban & Regional Development
Central University of Finance and Economics
University of Thessaly
2.会议组织委员会Seminar Committee
高菠阳Boyang Gao
Director of Sino-Greek Research Center for Sustainable Urban & Regional Development
George Petrakos
Director of the Confucius Institute at the University of Thessaly
3.联系方式Contact Us
联系人Contact Person:刘宁静Ningjing Liu
微信联络群Wechat Group:扫描二维码加入

二、会议议程Seminar Agenda
2022年1月13日, 18:00(北京时间),12:00(希腊时间)
13thJanuary,2022 18:00(Beijing Time),12:00(Greek Time)
(Assembly Hall Room 604,CUFE)
线上Online: Zoom Meeting
(ID: 951 1563 4308,Pass code: 4880)
Professor Mamouris Zissis
Rector of University of Thessaly
史建平Jianping Shi
Vice Rector of Central University of Finance and Economics
李 涛Tao Li
Rector Assistant of Central University of Finance and Economics
贾玉革Yuge Jia
Director of Academic Research Department, CUFE
张小燕Xiaoyan Zhang
Director of International Cooperation Department, CUFE
王晓红Xiaohong Wang
Director of Confucius Institute at University of Thessaly
刘志东Zhidong Liu
Director of School of Management Science and Engineering, CUFE
会议特邀报告Academic Reports
环 节 Section |
时 间 Time |
主 题 Topic |
报告人 Reporter |
领导致辞 Speech |
18:00-18:15 |
大会致辞 Speech |
双方领导 Leaders from both sides |
特邀报告 Report |
18:15-18:30 |
中欧空间模式发展 Spatial Patterns of Development in China and the EU |
George Petrakos 希腊色萨利大学前董事长,孔子学院外方经理 Former Rector of the University of Thessaly,Director of the Confucius Institute at the University of Thessaly |
18:30-18:45 |
中国区域产业演化:路径依赖还是路径突破? Regional Industrial Evolution in China: Path Dependence or Path Breaking? |
贺灿飞 Canfei He 北京大学城市与环境学院经理,教授 Directorof the College of Urban and Environmental Sciences at Peking University, Cheung Kong professorship, Economic geography professor |
18:45-19:00 |
后经济危机时代欧盟区域发展不均衡的新格局:基于2020年之后规划和政策挑战的分析 The New Landscape of Regional Inequalities in the European Union in the Aftermath of Economic Crisis: Analysis and Policy Challenges for the Programming Period Post-2020 |
Ioannis Psycharis 欧洲区域科学研究协会希腊分会会长,雅典派迪昂政治经济大学区域发展研究所所长,经济和区域发展学院教授 Professor of Regional Economic Analysis at the Department Economic and Regional Development, Panteion University of Social and Political Sciences, Greece. |
19:00-19:15 |
互动与反馈视域下的城市韧性的动态发展过程 The Dynamic Development Process of Urban Resilience: From the Perspective of Interaction and Feedback |
李桂君 Guijun Li 12BET教务处处长,12BET教授 Director of Office of Teaching Affairs at CUFE, Professor of School of Management Sciences and Engineering |
19:15-19:30 |
地中海沿岸旅游目的地可持续性测度 Measuring sustainability in Mediterranean costal tourism destinations |
Harry Coccossis 希腊色萨利大学规划与区域发展学院教授 Professor of Spatial and Environmental Planning, Department of Planning and Regional Development, University of Thessaly-Greece. |
19:30-19:45 |
共同富裕与不平衡发展 Common Prosperity and Uneven Development |
Michael Dunford 中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所访问教授,英国萨塞克斯大学全球研究学院名誉退休教授 Emeritus Professor, School of Global Studies, University of Sussex, Visiting Professor, Institute of Geographical Sciences and Natural Resources Research (IGSNRR), Chinese Academy of Sciences |
交流研讨 Discussion |
19:45-20:30 |
交流研讨 Discussion |
三、会议准备Seminar Preparation
We sincerely invite the reporters to scan the we-chat group QR code to join us, if you have any problem, please feel free to contact us. If you are confronted with difficulties during the seminar, you can tell us, and we will offer help in time.