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发布时间:2019-07-11来源:12BET 浏览次数:


近年来,12BET工程与项目管理研究团队深入学习领会习近平总书记关于创新的重要思想,全力投身工程与项目管理领域创新与实践,勇攀管理科学与工程学术高峰。研究团队通过不断凝练学科方向,瞄准城市可持续建设经济与管理领域的科学问题。研究内容不断纵深拓展,通过理论创新和实践应用,不断探索城市可持续发展的投资、建设、管理决策的新理论、新方法,解决了一批政府部门、企业、重大工程项目的决策与管理问题。团队研究成果得到包括国务院学位委员会管理科学与工程学科评议组专家成员在内的同行专家关注和认可。近3年,团队成员在《Production and Operations Management》、《Reliability Engineering & System Safety》、《Journal of Environmental Management》、《Resources, Conservation and Recycling》、《Energy》、《Journal of Cleaner Production》、《Cities》、《Land Use Policy》、《Journal of Construction Engineering and Management》、《Science of the Total Environment》、《Automation in Construction》、《Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management》、《中国人口·资源与环境》、《中国管理科学》等国内外顶尖期刊发表多篇高水平期刊论文。  




1Chang, Y.*, Lei, S.H., Teng, J.J., Zhang, J.X., Zhang, L.X., Xu, X., 2019. The energy use and environmental emissions of high-speed rail transportation in China: A bottom-up modeling. Energy, 182:1193-1201. (SCI,JCR分区:Q1;5 Year IF:5.647)    

2Wang, C.B., Zhang, L.X., Zhou, P., Chang, Y.*, Zhou, D.Q.*, Pang, M.Y., Yin, H., 2019. Assessing the environmental externalities for biomass- and coal-fired electricity generation in China: A supply chain perspective. Journal of Environmental Management, 246:758-767.  (SCI,JCR分区:Q1;5 Year IF:4.692;ABS:3*;ABDC:A)    

3Wang, F.T., Yu, C.*, Xiong, L.C., Chang, Y.*, 2019. How can agricultural water use efficiency be promoted in China? A spatial-temporal analysis. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 145:411-418. (SCI,JCR分区:Q1;5 Year IF:6.562)    

4Wang, H.* and Yang, Y.Q. (2019). Neighbourhood walkability: A review and bibliometric analysis. Cities, 93, 43-61.  (SSCI,JCR分区:Q1;5 Year IF:4.299)    

5Wang, H.*, Pan, Y.S.(本科生), Luo, X.C. (2019). Integration of BIM and GIS in sustainable built environment: A review and bibliometric analysis. Automation in Construction, 103, 41-52.  (SCI,JCR分区:Q1;5 Year IF:5.276; ABDC: A*)    

6Wang, H.*, Wang, Z., Chen, J., Chen, J., Guan, N., & Li, G. (2019). Development of rule of law index for state land and resources in China. Land Use Policy, 81, 276-290. (SSCI,JCR分区:Q1;5 Year IF:4.236)    

7Xiaodong Li, Xiaojiang GaoZeller, Tracey E. Rizzuto, Fan Yang*. Institutional pressures on corporate social responsibility strategy in construction corporations: The role of internal motivations. Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management,First published: 29 January 2019 https://doi.org/10.1002/csr.1713,(SSCI,JCR分区:Q1;5 Year Impact factor:7.131)    

8Yulong Li, Chi Zhang*, Chuanzhou Jia, Xiaodong Li, Yimin Zhu. Joint optimization of workforce scheduling and routing for restoring a disrupted critical infrastructure, Reliability Engineering & System Safety,2019,(191):106551. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ress.2019.106551. (SCI,JCR分区:Q1;5 Year IF:4.093;;ABS:3*;ABDC:A)    

9李玉龙, 韦雅尹(本科生), 李桂君, 王文涛, 白振龙(本科生). 协同视角下的北京市水资源系统可持续性评价. 中国人口·资源与环境, 2019, 29(03):71-80.(CSSCI;A刊 AMI:权威期刊)    

10Yulong LI, Guijun LI, Tao WANG, Yimin ZHU, Xiaodong LI. Semicustomized Design Framework of Container Accommodation for Migrant Construction Workers. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 2019, 145(4): 04019014:1-16.  (SCI,JCR分区:Q1;5 Year IF:2.968;ABS:2*;ABDC:A*)    

11Guijun LI, Daohan HUANG, Chengshuang SUN, Yulong LI*. Developing interpretive structural modeling based on factor analysis for the water-energy-food nexus conundrum. Science of the Total Environment, 2019, 651(part 1): 309-322.  (SCI,JCR分区:Q1;5 Year IF:5.727)    

12Jielin Yin, Jian Guo*, Tianmeng Ji, Lei Xiao, Jingru Cai, Zhao Dong. An extended TODIM method for project manager’s competency evaluation, Journal of Civil Engineering and Management, Accepted.  (SCI,JCR分区:Q2;5 Year IF:2.968)    

13汪涛, 高尚德(本科生), 李桂君*. 基于元网络分析的重大基础设施建设项目风险评估框架与实证. 中国管理科学.27(7). 2019. (CSSCI;A刊 AMI:核心期刊;自然基金委管理学部A级重要期刊)    

14Tao Wang, Bingsheng Liu*, Jiaming Zhang, Guijun Li. A Real Options-based Decision-making Model for Infrastructure Investment to Prevent Rainstorm Disasters. Production and Operations Management. 2019.  (SCI,JCR分区:Q1;5 Year IF:3.51;UTD24)    

15Chang, Y.*, Li, X.D., Masanet, E., Zhang, L.X., Huang, Z.Y., Ries, R., 2018. Unlocking the green opportunity for prefabricated buildings and construction in China. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 139:259-261. (SCI/SSCI,JCR分区:Q1;5 Year IF:6.562)    

16Zhang, J.X., Chang, Y.*, Zhang, L.X., Li, D., 2018. Do technological innovations promote urban green development? —A spatial econometric analysis of 105 cities in China. Journal of Cleaner Production, 182:395-403. (SCI/SSCI,JCR分区:Q1;5 Year IF:7.051)    

17Zhang, J.X., Chang, Y.*, Wang, C.B., Zhang, L.X., 2018. The green efficiency of industrial sectors in China: A comparative analysis based on sectoral and supply-chain quantifications. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 132:269-277. (SCI/SSCI,JCR分区:Q1;5 Year IF:6.562)    

18Wang, H.*, Zhang, K., Chen, J., Wang, Z., Li, G., & Yang, Y. (2018). System dynamics model of taxi management in metropolises: economic and environmental implications for Beijing. Journal of Environmental Management, 213, 555-565.   (SCI,JCR分区:Q1;5 Year IF:4.692;ABS:3*;ABDC:A)    

19Fan Yang; Xiaodong Li; Ziyang Song; Yulong Li. Job Burnout of Construction Project Managers: Considering the Role of Organizational Justice. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 2018,144(11)::04018103-1-15. https://doi.org/10.1061/(ASCE)CO.1943-7862.0001567.(SCI,JCR分区:Q1;5 Year IF:4.093;;ABS:3*;ABDC:A)    

20Guijun LI, Yongsheng WANG, Jie LUO, Yulong LI*. Evaluation on Construction Level of Smart City: An Empirical Study from Twenty Chinese Cities. Sustainability. 2018; 10(9):3348. (SCI/SSCI,JCR分区:Q2;5 Year IF:2.592)    

21Tao Wang, Shangde Gao(本科生), Xiaodong Li*, Xin Ning. A meta-network-based risk evaluation and control method for industrialized building construction projects. Journal of Cleaner Production. 205, 552-564, 2018.(SCI/SSCI,JCR分区:Q1;5 Year IF:7.051)    

22Pin-Chao Liao, Zhonghua Guo, Tao Wang*, Jing Wen, Chung-Han Tsai. Interdependency of Construction Safety Hazards from a Network Perspective: A Mechanical Installation Case. International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics. doi: 10.1080/10803548.2018.1426272 (SSCI,JCR分区:Q3;5 Year IF:1.47)    

23Chunlin Wu, Xiaowei Luo, Tao Wang*, Yue Wang, Bibek Sapkota. Safety Challenges and Improvement Strategies of Ethnic Minority Construction Workers: A Case Study in Hong Kong. International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics. doi: 10.1080/10803548.2018.1466508 (SSCI,JCR分区:Q3;5 Year IF:1.47)    

24Gao, R., Chan, A. P. C., Lyu, S., Zahoor, H., & Utama, W. P. (2018). Investigating the difficulties of implementing safety practices in international construction projects. Safety Science, 108, 39-47. (SCI,JCR分区:Q1;5 Year IF:3.923)    

25郭健*,蔡静茹. 基于Choquet积分和TODIM方法的装备研制方案评估[J].军事运筹与系统工程, 2018,32(2):36-41.(A 类期刊)    

26Jian Guo*, Zefu Lin, Lei Zu, Junlin Chen. Failure modes and effects analysis for CO2 transmission pipelines using a hesitant fuzzy VIKOR method, Soft Computing,  (2018). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00500-018-3583-1(SCI,JCR分区:Q2;5 Year IF:2.6)    

27宋砚秋,王倩,李慧嘉,李桂君. 基于系统动力学的企业创新投资决策研究. 系统工程理论与实践, 2018 Vol.38(12):3097-3108.(EI 核心期刊;A刊 AMI:核心期刊;自然基金委管理学部A级重要期刊)    

28Wang,H.,Zhang, X.L., Wang, H.Z. and Skitmore, M. (2017). The right-of-use transfermechanism of collective construction land in new urban districts in China: Thecase of Zhoushan City, Habitat International, 61, 55-63. (SSCI,JCR分区:Q1;5 Year IF:4.079    

29Chang, Y.*, Gu, Y.R., Zhang, L.X., Wu, C.Y., Liang, L., 2017. Energy and environmental implications of using geothermal heat pumps in buildings: An example from north China. Journal of Cleaner Production, 167:484-492. (SCI/SSCI,JCR分区:Q1;5 Year IF:7.051)    

30Chang, Y.*, Huang, Z.Y., Ries, R., Masanet, E., 2016. The embodied air pollutant emissions and water footprints of buildings in China: A quantification using disaggregated input-output life cycle inventory model. Journal of Cleaner Production, 113:274-284. (SCI/SSCI,JCR分区:Q1;5 Year IF:7.051)    

31Yulong LI, Tao WANG, Xinyi SONG, Guijun LI. Optimal resource allocation for antiterrorism in protecting bridge based on AHP risk assessment model. KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering (SCI), January 2016, Volume 20, Issue 1, pp 309-322.(SCI,JCR分区:Q3;5 Year IF:1.423)    

32Guijun LI, Daohan HUANG, Yulong LI*. China’s Input-Output Efficiency of Water-Energy-Food Nexus Based on the Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) Model. Sustainability,2016.09.12,8(9).(SCI/SSCI,JCR分区:Q2;5 Year IF:2.592)    

33黄志烨, 李桂君, 李玉龙, 常远. 基于DPSIR模型的北京市可持续发展评价. 城市发展研究, 2016, 23(9): 20-24.(CSSCI;A类期刊;A刊 AMI:核心期刊)    

34黄志烨,李桂君,汪涛. 双边道德风险下中小节能服务企业与银行关系契约模型. 中国管理科学, 2016, 24(8): 10-17. (CSSCI;A刊 AMI:核心期刊;自然基金委管理学部A级重要期刊)    

35Tao Wang, Xiaodong Li, Pin-Chao Liao*, Dongping Fang. Building energy efficiency for public hospitals and healthcare facilities in China: Barriers and drivers. Energy. 103, 588-597, 2016. (SCI,JCR分区:Q1;5 Year IF:5.647)    

36Tao Wang, Yulong Li, Limao Zhang*, Guijun Li. Case study of integrated prefab accommodations system for migrant on-site construction workers in China. ASCE Journal of Professional Issues in Engineering Education and Practice. 05016005. 2016. (SSCI/SCI,JCR分区:Q3;5 Year IF:1.208)    

37Tao Wang, Shuo Wang(本科生), Limao Zhang*, Zhiye Huang, Yulong Li. A major infrastructure risk-assessment framework: Application to a cross-sea route project in China. International Journal of Project Management. 34(7), 1403-1415, 2016. (SSCI,JCR分区:Q1;5 Year IF:5.617)    

38Xiaodong Li, Ziyang Song, Tao Wang*, Yu Zheng, Xin Ning. Health impacts of construction noise on workers: A quantitative assessment model based on exposure measurement. Journal of Cleaner Production. 135, 721-731, 2016. (SCI/SSCI,JCR分区:Q1;5 Year IF:7.051)    

39Pin-Chao Liao, Kenan Zhang, Tao Wang*, Yanqing Wang. Integrating Bibliometrics and Roadmapping: A Case of Strategic Promotion for the ground source heat pump in China. Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews. 57, 292-301, 2016.(SCI,JCR分区:Q1;5 Year IF:11.239)    

40Tao Wang, Seongwon Seo, Pin-Chao Liao*, Dongping Fang. GHG emission reduction performance of state-of-the-art green buildings: review of two case studies. Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews. 56, 484-493, 2016. (SCI,JCR分区:Q1;5 Year IF:11.239ESI 高被引文章)    

41Jian Guo*. A risk assessment approach for failure mode and effects analysis based on intuitionistic fuzzy sets and evidence theory, Journal of Intelligence & Fuzzy Systems, 2016, 30(2): 869-881.(SCI,JCR分区:Q3;5 Year IF:2.849)    

42李桂君, 李玉龙, 贾晓菁, 杜磊, 黄道涵. 北京市水-能源-粮食可持续发展系统动力学模型构建与仿真. 管理评论,2016.10.31,28(10):11~26.(CSSCI;A刊 AMI:核心期刊;自然基金委管理学部A级重要期刊)