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美国史蒂文斯理工学院商学院经理Prof. Gregory P. Prastacos 访问公司并举行学术报告

发布时间:2016-07-04来源:12BET 浏览次数:


时间:201679 9:00-11:30


主讲人:Prof. Gregory P. Prastacos,Dean and Professor      of Management Science, School of Business, Stevens Institute of Technology



Seminar Description  

Decision making is one of the most important functions of management. In today’s business environment it is becoming increasingly complex, as it is characterized by large amounts of data, and by continuous change in the global economic environment. In this environment, we talk about “evidence-based decision making” which is increasingly based on the use of analytics, i.e. the analysis of data through the development of “models”, and the use of software to analyze data and present useful information and decision guidelines.  

In this seminar we will go over today’s decision making environment, give an introduction to Big Data, present a selection of methodologies and applications to address complex decision making problems today, give some evidence about what is happening in China, and conclude with some guidelines on how to develop analytical capabilities in an organization.  

Some of the material to be covered in the seminar can be found in the textbook: Gregory P. Prastacos: “Managerial Decision Making: Theory and Practice”, Tsinghua University Press (TUP), ISBN: 978-7-302-20679-8, 2009 (English version) or ISBN: 978-7-302-25624-3, 2011 (Chinese version).  


Seminar Outline:  

1. Why do we need Analytical Capabilities in today’s organizations? 2. An Introduction to Big Data and what they mean for today’s organizations 3. An overview of techniques and applications for improved decision making 4. How do we start developing analytical capabilities in an organization.