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【学术论坛】Income Inequality, Capitalism and Ethno-Linguistic Fractionalization

发布时间:2015-05-14来源:12BET 浏览次数:


时 间:2015519日(星期二)下午3:00-4:30
地 点:12BET沙河校区4号楼318会议室  

主讲人:Jakob de Haan教授


Jakob deHaan教授现任格罗宁根大学经济与商学院教授,荷兰中央银行(简称DNB)首席研究学家、德国经济信息研究会(被誉为欧洲智库,简称CESifo)成员。Public Choice European Union Politics的编委会成员,欧洲货币与金融论坛(TheEuropean Money and Finance Forum,简称SUERF)研究成员,European Journal of PoliticalEconomy编辑。目前有著作数十本,正式发表论文一百多篇,DNBCESifo工作论文数十篇。主要研究领域包括货币政策的政治经济学、货币政策、银行业、制度学和经济政策、经济产出。



This paper examinesthe relationship between capitalism and income inequality for a large sample ofcountries using an adjusted economic freedom index as proxy for capitalism andGini coefficients based on gross-income as proxy for income inequality. Theresults suggest that there is no robust relationship between economic freedomand income inequality. In addition, this paper analyzes the relationshipbetween income redistribution (measured by the ratio of the income distributionresulting from market processes and the income distribution afterredistribution) and ethno-linguistic fractionalization. The paper finds thatthe impact of ethno-linguistic fractionalization on income redistribution isconditional on the level of economic freedom: countries that have a high degreeof fractionalization have less income redistribution, while capitalistcountries that have a low degree of fractionalization have more incomedistribution. A shortened version of this paper published in the AER of May2015.